Irresistible Ribat

Íss er árbörkrok unnar þak

ok feigra manna fár.

glacies jöfurr

Icelandic Rune poem
#flhikes #earthmagick #midwinter

Florida winters
the fortresses
for the weary world of
the Earth in all Her charms
smiles upon the stillness
here and there
strangers pondering the Florida snow.
Elementals come to play:
the winter wind sweeps across Spanish moss
dangle, sway, and dance
in mysterious bliss
Florida winters
the fortresses
for the weary world of
hidden pilgrims;
the Day in all Her charms
sings with the songbird; golden rays
here and there
breathing errantly #life into the Florida snow.
Elementals come to play:
the winter woods rise up rigidly into the sky,
be snow not, but still and patient, waiting
for simplicity of exchange
Florida winters
the fortresses 
for the weary world
of #abundance;
the Night in all His charms
nestles softly; illumination brings hope
here and there
sparks of inspiration put to good use.
Elementals come to play:
the full mid-winter Moon arrives just so, and
sky gods
intermingle with the usual banter

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